Kwaso brewer surrender apparatus

A man believed to be the main producer of Kwaso in the Noro area, Noro Town, Western Province stood up and admitted that he will voluntarily gave up all his cooking apparatus to the police during a Police awareness program.

The National Community Policing and Noro Police conducting awareness talk at Ela Motors vicinity on the 19th February 2017 as part of the community engagement on the crime prevention strategy.

During the awareness program the team talked on the alcohol related issues which currently resulted to various deaths’ cases in the country. Team also highlighted the consequences of the law on the producers of kwaso.

According to sergeant John Manegaua said, “This is the first of its kind to happen in the area and the whole public attending the awareness program was very pleased with the police approach.”

He said, “The National Community Policing team patrol will continue on for a week to visit all communities around the Sehge, Munda, Noro and Gizo to conduct crime talks and introducing the new Crime Prevention Module to the communities.”