CPLT in Western Province to prepare officers for POM training

Jan/05 05:00
Gizo, Western Province

CPLT in Western Province to prepare officers for POM training

The China Police Liaison Team (CPLT) have arrived in Gizo to prepare officers in Western Province for Public Order Management (POM) Training.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Western Province, Chief Superintendent Mathias Lenialu says, “The three CPLT officers led by Jack Dong Pengpeng arrived on 2 January 2023.”

PPC Lenialu says, “The team were here to prepare our officers for the upcoming planned POM training scheduled to take place before the National General Election (NGE) 2024.”

Chief Superintendent Lenialu says, “This morning (4 January 2024) more than twenty RSIPF officers participated in a route march where officers involved had to run the remaining 100 meter before the finishing line, as part of the CPLT assessment.”

Mr. Lenialu says, “I appreciate the initiative led by the CPLT to prepare our officers for the upcoming POM training in preparation for the NGE in April 2024.”

“This is the first physical exercise our officers in Gizo have participated in this year and we will continue with physical training to be fit enough to undergo challenges ahead,” says Lenialu.

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