Tetere police warn two young lad for sniffing petrol

Feb/16 07:00
Guadalcanal Province

Tetere police warn two young lad for sniffing petrol

Officers of the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF) at Tetere police station have warned two young lad for sniffing petrol.

The incident happened when the officers attended a report at one of the villages in Central Guadalcanal this week.

Sergeant (Sgt) John Manegaua said upon our arrival at the location we saw a 1.5 litre petrol at a workshop and asked if the petrol was for the generator.

"These two young boys used to sniff that 1.5 litre patrol", a reply from a woman when we arrived said officer Manegaua.

“I call both of them and warn them. This is really serious for your health. Do not sniff it. It will kill you. Start today and onwards do not sniff petrol,” said Mr. Manegaua.

Sgt Manegaua said, “Parents it is our sole responsibility to look after our children. This sad incident should not happen if we closely look after our children."

He said, “We must know where our children are to avoid such an incident from happening. This is really a serious matter that demands us parents to closely look after our children.”

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Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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Email: rsipf.media@rsipf.gov.sb