Auki Community Policing Team conducts awareness talk at Fulisango community in Central Kwara’ae in Malaita Province

Feb/27 07:00
Malaita Province

Auki Community Policing Team conducts awareness talk at Fulisango community in Central Kwara’ae in Malaita Province

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Auki Community Policing Team of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force in Malaita Province have conducted an awareness talk program at Fulisango community in Central Kwara’ ae on Sunday 26 February 2024.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Malaita Province, Superintendent Leslie Kili said, the awareness talk was based on navigating political issues with a Christian mindset while the message was more focused on Christians to prepare their mindset to face the turbulent waters of political issues.

PPC says, as we approach the National General Election (NGE24) we have to prepare ourselves to vote for the right leaders to represent our people in the Parliament and ask people to respect the voting process.

PPC Kili says during the awareness, the team covers the drivers of crime to remind people in the community of what to keep the community safe.

Superintendent says, “Fulisango community acknowledged the presence of the awareness team for their timely visit and have requested police to do regular visits with more awareness to their community.”

Kili acknowledges the Fulisango community and their leaders in recognising that police is their friend and assured that RSIPF will continue supporting communities around Malaita.

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RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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