RSIPF Fitness Trainers Complete Certificate III in Fitness

Apr/02 08:00

RSIPF Fitness Trainers Complete Certificate III in Fitness

Two local fitness trainers contracted by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to support the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) officers have earned their Certificate III in Fitness.

Hency Charles and Janet Gwai work under the RSIPF-AFP Policing Partnership Program (RAPPP) Health and Wellbeing project. They provide fitness training, programs and health checks to RSIPF officers, ensuring officers maintain health and fitness for their policing duties.

The course is accredited by the Australian Skills and Qualifications Authority (ASQA) and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and comprises 60 units covering various areas ranging from contextualised training, rehabilitation, functional and compound training, client fitness assessments, personal training, nutrition, health and safety.

Completing the course is a significant achievement which has not been without its challenges, with COVID and internet issues causing disruption to their studies.

Equipped with comprehensive knowledge and skills, Hency and Janet are now better prepared to excel in the fitness profession.

Hency described the training as enriching saying it provided insights into physical fitness beyond exercise.

He thanked the AFP for giving him a tool to support his development within the fitness industry.

“What I am now equipped with will stay with me for the rest of my life. I want to acknowledge AFP for helping me to get this qualification,” Hency said.

Similarly, Janet said she is so privileged to get her qualification in fitness training and acknowledges this is something that will really help her in her career.

“This is a huge achievement for me. I want to thank AFP for that. The training has not been easy. To finally complete it and get this qualification is a great relief,” Janet said.

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Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

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