NZ Police deliver ToT course to RSIPF

Mar/22 08:00

NZ Police deliver ToT course to RSIPF

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New Zealand Police attached to the Solomon Islands Police Support Programme (SIPSP) are completing a three day specialist Train the Trainer (ToT) course for the Royal Solomon Island Police Force (RSIPF).

New Zealand Police working alongside National Crime Prevention Department staff and Learning and Development staff from the RSIPF have developed the training to pass on training delivery skills and to recruit new trainers to assist in the delivery of the 5 step mindstep training and the training relating to the RSIPF Crime Prevention Strategy.

The course commenced at Rove Police Headquarters on Wednesday 20 March and runs through until Friday 22 March 2024.

NZ Police Team Leader (TL) Inspector Warwick McKee says, “Over the last two years the RSIPF have delivered the Mindset Training to their own people across all the provinces of the Solomon Islands.

Inspector McKee says, “We recognise that we also need to ensure the sustainability of the programme and ensure that there remains experienced RSIPF trainers to deliver the programme in a manner and style that is understood by their counterparts in the RSIPF.”

TL Mr. McKee says, “We had 30 RSIPF applicants for the training and are currently upskilling 20 RSIPF staff to become specialist trainers to give us capacity to deliver this valuable training alongside RSIPF Provincial Training Officers (PTO’s).

Once completed the RSIPF trainers will travel to the provinces and assist in delivering mindset training and crime prevention training to ensure that the communities in the Solomon Islands are safe.

The class comprises engaged and dedicated RSIPF staff from workgroups including Traffic, the Explosive Ordnance Team and frontline officers.

Director of Training Superintendent James Teilo who opened the training course says, “Thank you participants for availing and committing yourselves to the training.”

Superintendent Teilo says, “The course will assist to lift your leadership capability making you subject matter experts in relation to changing mindsets and the Crime Prevention Strategy.”

“It will improve your ability to speak to your audience as and when required. Thank the SIPSP team for the ongoing support to this training,” says Director Teilo.

The training is continuing to be delivered in the coming months to RSIPF staff across the Solomon Islands.

To date over 500 RSIPF staff across the Solomon Islands have received this valuable mindset training. Crime prevention training is a key component of the training and it ensures that all RSIPF know how they fit into preventing crime before it occurs and how crime prevention keeps our communities safe from harm and victimisation.

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Media contact information

RSIPF Media Unit
Rove Police Headquarters
Rove, Honiara
Solomon Islands

Phone: 24016 or 23800 Ext 239